About Wildlife Marine
Wildlife Marine is the brain-child of Australian research scientist and shark biologist, Dr William Robbins. Will formed Wildlife Marine in late 2011 after recognising the need for a rapid-response, independent scientific entity to help Government and private bodies produce timely results at international peer-review standards. Along with a team of talented associates, Wildlife Marine conducts independent research into contemporary marine and terrestrial environmental issues, and undertakes tailored consultancy contracts into conservation issues and fisheries management. Wildlife Marine's research arm has active collaborations with researchers around the globe, with projects encompassing all the world's major oceanic systems.
Please note: from March 2018, Wildlife Marine's founder, Dr William Robbins, has been undertaking a full-time external research contract. As such, Wildlife Marine has wound back its operations and is not seeking consultancy work at this time. However, we thank you for your interest in Wildlife Marine.
Non-confidential Wildlife Marine scientific publications (2012 onwards)
- Moustaka M, Robbins WD, Wilson SK, Wakefield C, Cuttler MVW, O'Leary MJ and Evans RD. 2024. Seascape effects on the nursery function of macroalgal habitats. Marine Environmental Research 202:106767
- Bonnin L, Boussarie G, Kiszka, J, Robbins WD and Vigliola L. 2023. Individual and seasonal variations of space use in silvertip sharks, Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Coral reefs 42:261-269
- Boussarie G, Momigliano P, Robbins WD, Bonnin L, Cornu J-F, Fauvelot C, Kiszka JJ, Manel S, Mouillot D and Vigliola L. 2022. Identifying barriers to gene flow and hierarchical conservation units from seascape genomics: A modelling framework applied to a marine predator. Ecography 2022:e06158
- Walsh CAJ, Momigliano P, Boussarie G, Robbins WD, Bonnin L, Fauvelot C, Kiszka JJ, Mouillot D, Vigliola L and Manel S. 2022. Genomic insights into the historical and contemporary demographics of the grey reef shark. Heredity 128:225-235
- Bonnin L, Mouillot D, Boussarie G, Robbins W, Kiszka J, Dagorn L and Vigliola L. 2021. Recent expansion of marine protected areas matches with home range of grey reef sharks. Scientific Reports 11:14221
- Desbiens AA, Roff G, Robbins WD, Taylor BM, Castro-Sanguino C, Dempsey A and Mumby PJ. 2021. Revisiting the paradigm of shark‐driven trophic cascades in coral reef ecosystems. Ecology 102:e03303
- Bonnin L, Robbins WD, Boussarie G, Kiszka JJ, Dagorn L, Mouillot D and Vigliola L. 2019. Repeated long-range migrations of adult males in a common Indo-Pacific reef shark. Coral Reefs 38:1121-1132
- Elise S, Bailly A, Urbina-Barreto I, Mou-Tham G, Chiroleu F, Vigliola L, Robbins WD, and Bruggemann JH. 2019. An optimised passive acoustic sampling scheme to discriminate among coral reefs’ ecological states. Ecological Indicators 107:105627
- Johnson GB, Taylor BM, Robbins WD, Franklin EC, Toonen R, Bowen B and Choat JH. 2019. Diversity and structure of parrotfish assemblages across the northern Great Barrier Reef. Diversity 11(1): 14
- Boussarie G, Bakker J, Wangensteen OS, Mariani S, Bonnin L, Juhel J-B, Kiszka JJ, Kulbicki M, Manel S, Robbins WD, Vigliola L and Mouillot D. 2018. Environmental DNA illuminates the dark diversity of sharks. Science Advances 4:eaap9661
- Taylor BM, Brandl SJ, Kapur M, Robbins WD, Johnson G, Huveneers C and Choat JH. 2018. Bottom-up processes mediated by social systems drive demographic traits of coral-reef fishes. Ecology 99: 642-651
- Nazimi L, Robbins WD, Schilds A and Huveneers C. 2018. Comparison of industry-based data to monitor white shark cage-dive tourism. Tourism Management 66(2018): 263-273
- Gray CA, Barnes LM, Robbins WD, Van der Meulen DE, Ochwada-Doyle FA and Kendall BW. 2017. Length-and age-based demographics of exploited populations of stout whiting, Sillago robusta. Stead, 1908. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33: 1073-1082
- Castro-Sanguino C, Bozec Y-M, Dempsey A, Samaniego B, Lubarsky K, Andrews S, Komyakova V, Ortiz JC, Robbins WD, Renaud PG and Mumby PJ. 2017. Detecting conservation benefits of marine reserves on remote reefs of the northern GBR. PLoS One 12(11): e0186146
- Momigliano P, Harcourt R, Robbins WD, Jaiteh VF, Mahardika GN, Sembiring A and Stow A. 2017. Genetic connectivity and signatures of selection in grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos). Heredity 119: 142-153
- Robbins WD, Huveneers C, Parra GJ, Moller LM and Gillanders BM. 2017. Anthropogenic threat assessment of marine-associated fauna in Spencer Gulf, South Australia. Marine Policy 81: 392-400
- Robbins WD and Renaud P. 2016. Foraging mode of the grey reef shark, Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos under two different scenarios. Coral Reefs 35(1): 253-260
- Robbins R, Enarson M, Bradford R, Robbins WD and Fox A. 2015. Residency and local connectivity of white sharks at Liguanea Island: A second aggregation site in South Australia? The Open Fish Sci Journal 8: 23-29
- Brandl, SJ, Robbins WD and Bellwood, DR. 2015. Testing the nature of ecological specialization in a coral reef fish community: Morphology, diet, and foraging microhabitat use. Proc Roy Soc B 282: 20151147
- Momigliano P, Harcourt R, Robbins WD and Stow A. 2015. Connectivity in grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) determined using empirical and simulated genetic data. Scientific Reports 5: 13229
- Robbins WD. 2015. Monitoring and tagging of flatback turtles at Cemetery Beach, Port Hedland 2014/15. Report to Care for Hedland Env. Assoc. Inc. Perth. 35 pp
- Gray CA, Barnes LM, Ochwada-Doyle FA, Van der Meulen DE, Kendall BW, and Robbins WD. 2014. Age, growth and demographic characteristics of Sillago flindersi exploited in a multi-species trawl fishery. Fish Sci 80: 915-924
- Robbins WD. 2014. Shark and pelagic fish abundance on the northern Great Barrier Reef. Report to the Khaled Bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation. Wildlife Marine, Perth.
- Robbins WD, Peddemors VM, Kennelly SK and Ives, MC. 2014. An experimental evaluation of shark detection rates by aerial observers. PLoS One 9(2): e83456
- Huveneers C and Robbins WD. 2014. Species at the intersection. In: Techera EJ, Klein N (eds) Sharks: Conservation, governance and management. Routledge, Oxon. pp 236-260
- Gray CA, Barnes LM, Van der Meulen DE, Kendall BW, Ochwada-Doyle FA and Robbins WD. 2014. Depth interactions and reproductive ecology of sympatric Sillaginidae: Sillago robusta and S. flindersii. Aquat Biol 21(2): 127-142
- Momigliano P, Robbins WD, Gardner M and Stow A. 2014. Characterisation of 15 novel microsatellite loci for the grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos). Conserv Genetic Res 6(3): 661-663
- Robbins WD, Peddemors VM, Broadhurst M and Gray CA. 2013. Hooked on fishing? Recreational angling interactions with the Critically Endangered grey nurse shark, Carcharias taurus in eastern Australia. Endang Species Res 21: 161-170
- Wheeler S, Robbins WD and McIlwain J. 2013. Reef sharks clean up with a novel inshore mutualistic interaction. Coral Reefs 32(4): 1089
- Stewart J, Robbins WD, Rowling K, Hegarty A and Gould A. 2013. A multifaceted approach to modelling growth of the Australian bonito, Sarda australis (Family Scombridae), with some observations on its reproductive biology. Mar FW Res 64: 671-678
- Robbins WD. 2013. Reef shark abundance through underwater surveys in Rangiroa, French Polynesia. Report to the Khaled Bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation. Wildlife Marine, Perth.
- Whitney NM, Robbins WD, Schultz JK, Bowen BW and Holland KN. 2012. Oceanic dispersal in a sedentary reef shark (Triaenodon obesus): Genetic evidence for extensive connectivity without a pelagic larval stage. J Biogeog 39(6): 1144-1156
- Robbins WD. 2012. Science-based management for sustainable shark fisheries. International Shark Management Workshop, 2012. Wildlife Marine, Perth. 76 pp